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Sunday Worship

In-Person and Online Worship


View past lessons and join virtual worship

Upcoming Events

Join us each Sunday morning, either in-person or online.  We offer in-person worship at 10 AM.  We livestream the 10 AM service on our YouTube Channel.  We also offer Bible classes for all ages Sunday morning at 9 AM and Wednesday nights at 7 PM.  

Each Sunday, you can join us at 10 AM for online worship on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.  You may also view past lessons and classes.  


Whether you are seeking Jesus, running to catch up with Jesus, or walking hand-in-hand with Jesus, we want to join you on your spiritual journey.  Our mission at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ is to lead people into a life-changing walk with Jesus Christ.  

This is a view of the auditorium and balcony area.

We believe that God is the creator and sovereign ruler of the universe and all that is in it.  He has eternally existed in three distinct personalities:  the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  These three co-exist as the one and only God.


Each Sunday morning, we have Bible Classes for all ages at 9 AM, followed by worship at 10 AM.  This service is also available to attend virtually through our YouTube channel or Facebook page.  We offer Children's Worship for ages two through six during the 10 AM service.


Pleasant Ridge has a variety of ministries, including children's, youth, 49ers, card, communion, baptism, and more.  Click below to find out where you can serve. 


Sept. 11 - Nacho Stack Up

Sept. 18 - Grilled Chicken Salad

Sept. 25 - "State Fair" Hot Dogs & Nachos

Oct. 2 - Fried chicken, potato salad & green beans

Oct. 9 - Zambia fundraiser - Chick-fil-A

Oct. 16 - Frito Pie & Salad

Oct. 23 - Turkey & Cheese Croissants & Chips

Oct. 30 - Spooky Baked Potatoes

Wednesday Night Meal

Join us each Wednesday from 6:00 to 6:45 in the Family Life Center for a meal before class.  The cost is $5.00 per person/max $20.00 per family.  Online registration is not required.  Food service is first come/first served.


There are lots of volunteer opportunities for the Wednesday Night Meal.  You can provide a dessert, help serve, coordinate for a month, help with set-up or clean-up, and more.  Please click here if you would like more information on volunteering or would like to sign up.


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